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Prophetic Dawah in the Modern World

Enrollment for £69.99

Prophetic Dawah in the Modern World

About The Course

Unlock the timeless wisdom of prophetic Dawah through our comprehensive course, “Prophetic Dawah in the Modern World: Quranic Guidance.” Dive deep into Quranic themes on Dawah communication and learn how the methods of Prophets, including Prophet Muhammad (SAW), can be applied effectively in today's world. With a focus on contemporary relevance and practical application, this course offers invaluable insights for passionate Da'ees, new Muslims, university students, professionals, Imams, Sharia scholars, and those who would like to learn effective methods of prophetic Dawah to guide our non-Muslim brothers and sisters towards Jannah. Join us to enrich your understanding of Prophetic Dawah in the Modern World and enhance your ability to convey the message of Islam with confidence and clarity.

Course Team

Shaykh Dr. Rafāqat Rashid
Shaykh Dr. Rafāqat Rashid (Academic Director, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

At A Glance

  • 16 Live Online Sessions 16 Live Online Sessions
  • Duration: 4+ Months Duration: 4+ Months
  • Sundays, 6 PM - 7:30 PM (London, UK) Sundays, 6 PM - 7:30 PM (London, UK)
  • Video Recordings Available Video Recordings Available
  • Access to Mobile App Access to Mobile App
  • Certificate Digital Certificate
  • From £9.99/Month (For 4 Months) From £9.99/Month (For 4 Months)

Enroll Now

  • Starts on 15th September 2024
  • Course Fee:
    Pay in Full: £79.99 £69.99
    Pay in 4 Installments: £17.49 per month
  • Registration Deadline: 14th September 2024

Al Balagh Scholarship

AlBalagh Scholarship is available for learners who cannot afford the fee. Learn More and Apply

Course Overview

Discovering the Essence of Prophetic Dawah: Begin a transformative journey with “Prophetic Dawah in the Modern World: Quranic Guidance”. This course Prophetic Dawah in the Modern World is meticulously designed to provide an in-depth understanding of Dawah, rooted in the wisdom of the Quran and the exemplary methods of the Prophets. It emphasizes contemporary relevance and practical application, equipping you to address modern challenges effectively. Through immersive sessions and detailed analyses, you will uncover profound insights and develop the skills necessary to engage and inspire diverse audiences with confidence and clarity.

Who Should Enroll and What You'll Gain

This course “Prophetic Dawah in the Modern World” is ideal for passionate Da'ees, new Muslims, university students, professionals, Imams, and Sharia scholars. By enrolling, you will gain:

  • A profound understanding of Quranic Dawah principles and their modern applications.
  • Practical skills in persuasive communication and effective dialogue.
  • Strategies to overcome contemporary challenges and misconceptions about Islam.
  • The ability to build strong, meaningful connections with diverse audiences.
  • Insights into developing a personal Dawah action plan for immediate impact.

Learning Objectives

The learning objectives of Prophetic Dawah in the Modern World includes:

  • To understand the foundational principles of Dawah as outlined in the Quran and exemplified by the Prophets.
  • To analyze the unique Dawah approaches of different Prophets and derive practical lessons for today.
  • To develop skills in logical argumentation, effective communication, and overcoming misconceptions about Islam.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of Prophetic Dawah in the Modern World includes:

  • Students will be able to articulate the importance and necessity of Dawah in the modern world.
  • Students will gain the ability to use Quranic guidance and prophetic examples to craft effective Dawah strategies.
  • Students will understand the different approaches of the Prophets and learn how to apply them in various scenarios.


Module 1

Introduction to Dawah

Module 2

Dawah of the Prophet Nuh (Alaihis Salam)

Module 3

Dawah of the Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihis Salam)

Module 4

Dawah of the Prophet Musa (Alaihis Salam)

Module 5

Dawah of the Prophet Isa (Alaihis Salam)

Module 6

Dawah of the Prophet Yusuf (Alaihis Salam)

Module 7

Dawah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) - Makki Period

Module 8

Dawah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) - Madani Period

Module 9

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as a Role Model

Module 10

Quranic Approaches to Dawah: Logic and Argument

Module 11

Quranic Approaches to Dawah: Engaging and Persuading

Module 12

Quranic Approaches to Dawah: Natural Phenomena, Effective Dialogue, Respect, and Gradualism

Module 13

The Essential Role of Dawah in Today's World

Module 14

Key Challenges for Dawah in the Modern World

Module 15

Successful Dawah Strategies in the Modern World Inspired by the Quran

Module 16

Personal Dawah Action Plan

Here is the course outline:

Welcome Aboard: Course Introduction

WhatsApp Discussion Group

Please click on this tile to join our WhatsApp group.We have provided a WhatsApp group link here for your convenience.

Pre Course Survey Form

IT Oreintation

Session 1 ~ Introduction to Dawah

•Definition and Importance of Dawah •The Role of Prophets in Dawah •The Quran as a Source of Guidance for Dawah •The Necessity of Dawah in the Modern World •Reviving Dawah Based on Quranic and Prophetic Teachings

Session 2 ~ Dawah of the Prophet Nuh (Alaihis Salam)

•Perseverance in Dawah: Lessons from Quranic Verses •Addressing Rejection and Ridicule: Insights from the Quran •Inviting with Patience and Persistence: Quranic Examples •Key Lessons from Prophet Nuh’s Dawah •Modern Application of the Prophet Nuh's Dawah Techniques

Session 3 ~ Dawah of the Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihis Salam)

•Logical Argumentation in Dawah: Quranic Approach •Breaking Idols and False Beliefs: Quranic Narratives •Challenging Authority with Wisdom: Insights from the Quran •Key Lessons from the Prophet Ibrahim’s Dawah •Modern Application of the Prophet Ibrahim's Dawah Techniques

Session 4 ~ Dawah of the Prophet Musa (Alaihis Salam)

•Courage and Confrontation in Dawah: Quranic Examples •Speaking Truth to Power: Lessons from the Quran •Perseverance in the Face of Adversity: Quranic Insights •Key Lessons from the Prophet Musa’s Dawah •Modern Application of the Prophet Musa's Dawah Techniques

Session 5 ~ Dawah of the Prophet Isa (Alaihis Salam)

•Compassion and Empathy in Dawah: Quranic Lessons •Miracles as Signs: Quranic Narratives •Teaching with Parables: Insights from the Quran •Key Lessons from the Prophet Isa’s Dawah •Modern Application of the Prophet Isa's Dawah Techniques

Session 6 ~ Dawah of the Prophet Yusuf (Alaihis Salam)

•Dawah through Personal Example: Quranic Narratives •Patience and Forgiveness in Dawah: Quranic Insights •Using Wisdom, Strategy, and Political Power: Lessons from the Quran •Key Lessons from the Prophet Yusuf’s Dawah •Modern Application of the Prophet Yusuf's Dawah Techniques

Session 7 ~ Dawah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) - Makki Period

•Struggles and Trials in Dawah: Quranic Guidance in the Makki Period •Logical Arguments and Convincing the Unbelievers: Lessons from the Quran •Enduring Hostility and Defamation: Quranic Insights •Key Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad’s Dawah in the Makki Period •Modern Application of the Prophet Muhammad's Makki Dawah Techniques

Session 8 ~ Dawah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) - Madani Period

•Comprehensive Approach to Dawah: Quranic Guidance in the Madani Period •Building a Community and Governance: Lessons from the Quran •Diplomatic Dawah: Sending Letters to Kings and Leaders •Strategic Alliances and Treaties: Insights from the Treaty of Hudaibiyah •Modern Application of the Prophet Muhammad's Madani Dawah Techniques

Session 9 ~ The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as a Role Model

•Integrity and Honesty: Building Trust through Truthfulness •Compassion and Mercy: Winning Hearts through Kindness •Wisdom and Insight: Effective Communication and Decision Making •Patience and Perseverance: Overcoming Challenges in Dawah •Leadership and Vision: Inspiring and Building a Strong Community

Session 10 ~ Quranic Approaches to Dawah: Logic and Argument

•Identifying Key Patterns in Quranic Argumentation •Rational and Logical Approaches in the Quran •Effective Use of Parables and Analogies: Quranic Examples •Addressing Common Misconceptions: Insights from the Quran •Modern Application: Building Persuasive Arguments for Today’s Audience

Session 11~ Quranic Approaches to Dawah: Engaging and Persuading

•Strategies for Engaging Non-Believers: Quranic Techniques •The Role of Emotional Appeal and Empathy in the Quran •Clear and Compelling Communication: Quranic Lessons •Using Quranic Wisdom to Counter Modern Challenges •Practical Implementation: Persuading the Modern Audience with Quranic Logic and Rhetoric

Session 12 ~ Quranic Approaches to Dawah: Natural Phenomena, Effective Dialogue, Respect, and Gr...

•Using Signs and Natural Phenomena: Quranic Guidance •Effective Dialogue and Debate: Lessons from the Quran •Personal Conduct and Example in Dawah: Insights from the Quran •Inclusivity and Respect in Dawah: Quranic Principles •Gradualism in Dawah: Applying the Principle of Gradual Change

Session 13 ~ The Essential Role of Dawah in Today's World

•Understanding the Contemporary Need for Dawah •Addressing Modern Challenges through Dawah •The Collective Responsibility: Every Muslim’s Role in Dawah •Empowering the Ummah: Benefits of Active Dawah Participation •Practical Steps for Effective Dawah in Today's Society

Session 14 ~ Key Challenges for Dawah in the Modern World

•Identifying Key Challenges for Dawah in the Modern World •Key Obstacles for Dawah in the Western Context •Overcoming Misconceptions and Stereotypes about Islam •Negative Media Representations and Public Perception of Islam •Social Barriers, Islamophobia, and the Western Mindset

Session 15 ~ Successful Dawah Strategies in the Modern World Inspired by the Quran

•Reviving the Dawah Mindset in the Muslim Community •Using Contemporary Communication and Marketing Methods for Mass Outreach •Building Strong Connections with Non-Muslims: Personal, Family, Social, and Political Levels •Leveraging Social Media and Online Technology to Increase Outreach •Effective Dialogue and Debate Techniques: Mastering Persuasive Communication

Session 16 ~ Personal Dawah Action Plan

•Developing a Personal Dawah Action Plan •Quick Wins: Simple and Effective Dawah Activities •Utilising Community Resources for Enhanced Dawah •Measuring the Impact of Your Dawah Efforts •Continuous Improvement: Adapting and Refining Your Approach

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