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The Fiqh of Medicine ~ S

Enrollment for £99.99


About The Course

This unique course Fiqh of Medicine provides an in-depth introduction to the field of Medical Fiqh and its relationship with Islamic bioethics, for both medical professionals and Muslim scholars. Students will learn principled practical and theological approaches to medical ethical dilemmas. The course Fiqh of Medicine will cover key concepts within Islamic theology, usul al-fiqh, epistemology, and fiqh pertaining to modern-day medicine, whilst applying principles discussed in the course to contemporary medical cases.

Course Team

Shaykh Dr. Rafāqat Rashid
Shaykh Dr. Rafāqat Rashid (Al Balagh Academy, UK)
Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari (Darul Iftaa, Leicester, UK)
Dr Hassan Chamsi-Pasha
Dr Hassan Chamsi-Pasha (MD, FRCP(Lond), FRCP(Glasg), FRCP(Ire), FACC GNP Hospital, Jeddah)
Dr Muhammad Mansur Ali
Dr Muhammad Mansur Ali (Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Cardiff University, UK)
Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala
Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala (The Chair of the Halal Monitoring Committee ,HMC)
Dr Aasim Padela
Dr Aasim Padela (Director of the Program on Medicine and Religion, Uni. Chicago Medicine, USA)

At A Glance

  • 14 Live Online Sessions 14 Live Online Sessions
  • Duration: 4+ Months Duration: 4+ Months
  • Sundays : 5:00PM - 6:30PM (London, UK) Sundays : 5:00PM - 6:30PM (London, UK)
  • Video Recordings Available Video Recordings Available
  • Access to Mobile App Access to Mobile App
  • Digital Certificate Digital Certificate
  • From £27.49/Month (For 4 Months) From £27.49/Month (For 4 Months)

Enroll Now

  • Starts on 15th September 2024
  • Course Fee:
    Pay in Full: £199.99 £99.99
    Pay in 4 Installments: £27.49 per month
  • Registration Deadline: 14th September 2024

Al Balagh Scholarship

AlBalagh Scholarship is available for learners who cannot afford the fee. Learn More and Apply

Course Overview

“The Fiqh of Medicine – Level 1” is a comprehensive course designed for medical professionals and Muslim scholars to explore the intricate relationship between Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) and medical ethics. The course The Fiqh of Medicine offers an in-depth introduction to Medical Fiqh, integrating key principles of Islamic theology, usul al-fiqh (principles of Islamic jurisprudence), epistemology, and modern medical practices. Participants will learn to navigate ethical dilemmas in medical settings using both principled practical and theological approaches. The curriculum covers a broad range of topics from the ethical considerations of halal and haram medicines to end-of-life care, organ donation, and family planning, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of contemporary issues in medical ethics from an Islamic perspective.

Learning Objectives

The objectives of The Fiqh of Medicine are:

  • Understand principles of Islamic theology and usul al-fiqh in medical ethics.
  • Compare and contrast Islamic and Western medical ethics.
  • Apply Islamic ethical principles to contemporary medical cases.
  • Understand Fiqh rulings on organ donation, transplantation, and reproductive technology.
  • Develop skills to care for patients according to Islamic guidelines.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unique course The Fiqh of Medicine, the students will:

  • Understand key concepts in Islamic theology, usul al-fiqh, and epistemology related to medical ethics.
  • Articulate differences and similarities between Islamic and Western medical ethics.
  • Apply Islamic jurisprudential principles to medical ethical dilemmas.
  • Make informed decisions on medical treatments, organ donation, and reproductive technologies.
  • Provide patient care aligning with Islamic ethical standards.


Module 1

Islamic and Western Medical Ethics - An Overview

Module 2

Organ Donation and Transplantation - A Concise Overview

Module 3

The Fiqh of Halal and Haram Medicine

Module 4

Caring for Patients - An Islamic Approach

Module 5

Islamic Code of Practice for Medical Professionals

Module 6

The Fiqh of Pharmacy - Case studies

Module 7

The Fiqh of Family Planning and Reproductive Technology

Module 8

Historical Development of Fiqh of Medicine

Module 9

The Medical Fiqh of Fasting

Module 10

The Fiqh of Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Case Studies

Module 11

The Fiqh of Withdrawing & Witholding Life Support & End of Life Issues

Module 12

The Fiqh of End-of-Life Care and Withdrawal of Treatment and Application

Here is the course outline:

Welcome Aboard: Course Introduction

WhatsApp Discussion Group

Pre Course Survey

LMS Orientation

Session 1 ~ Introduction

15 Sep 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 2 ~ Islamic and Western Medical Ethics - An Overview

22 Sep 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 3 ~ The Fiqh of Halal and Haram Medicine

29 Sep 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 4 ~ Organ Donation and Transplantation - A Concise Overview

6 Oct 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 5 ~ Caring for Patients- An Islamic Approach

13 Oct 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 6 ~ Islamic Code of Practice for Medical Professionals

20 Oct 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 7 ~ The Fiqh of Family Planning and Reproductive Technology

27 Oct 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 8 ~ The Medical Fiqh of Fasting

3 Nov 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 9 ~ Historical Development Of Medical Fiqh Resolution Committees

10 Nov 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 10 ~ The Fiqh of Obstetrics and Gynaecology [Case Studies]

17 Nov 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 11~ The Fiqh of Pharmacy - Case studies

24 Nov 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 12 ~ The Fiqh of End of Life Care and Withdrawal of Treatment and Application + Final Q ...

1 Dec 17:00 .. 18:00

Session 13 ~ The Fiqh of Withdrawing & Witholding Life Support & End of Life Issues

8 Dec 17:00 .. 18:00

Post Course Survey

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