Understanding Judaism and Christianity: An Islamic Perspective
About The Course
Embark on an enlightening journey with our online course, ‘Understanding Judaism and Christianity: An Islamic Perspective’. This exploration, designed for passionate learners, features 16 live, interactive sessions led by subject experts. This course is a powerful tool for individuals in the Western world and Muslim countries to deepen their understanding of Christianity and Judaism, fostering effective daʿwah and meaningful interfaith dialogue.
Course Team
At A Glance
16 Live Online Sessions
Duration: 4+ months
Saturdays, 6PM - 7:30PM (London, UK)
Video Recordings Available
Access to Mobile App
From £14.99/Month (For 4 Months)
Enroll Now
- Starts on 25th November 2023
- Course Fee:
Pay in Full:£79.99£59.99
Pay in 4 Installments: £14.99 per month - Registration Deadline: 24th November 2023
Al Balagh Scholarship
AlBalagh Scholarship is available for learners who cannot afford the fee. Learn More and Apply
Course Overview
In today’s interconnected world, understanding the beliefs of different faiths is a fundamental element of fostering interfaith dialogue, fulfilling the prophetic mission, engaging in daʿwah, and inviting others toward the true message of Islam with wisdom, compassion, and love. Our online course, “Understanding Judaism and Christianity: An Islamic Perspective”, offers an immersive journey into these two major religions with an Islamic perspective. Over 16 live interactive sessions, we will learn about the origins and development of Judaism and Christianity, their key beliefs and practices, their sacred texts, their different sects and denominations, and their understandings of salvation history and eschatology—the branch of theology concerned with the end times and afterlife.
Learning Objectives
- Learn how Judaism and Christianity originated and developed, ultimately taking the forms by which we know them today.
- Develop an understanding of the scriptures and traditions of Judaism and Christianity from academic and Islamic perspectives.
Learning Outcomes
- Be equipped with a well-rounded knowledge to engage in informed interfaith discussions about Judaism and Christianity.
- Understand how the scriptures, interpretive traditions, and theology of Judaism and Christianity developed and how to identify the points of divergence between the Abrahamic religions.
Here is the course outline:
Welcome Aboard: Course IntroductionEmbark on an enlightening journey that nurtures your analytical thinking, deepens your understanding of scientism, and empowers you to participate thoughtfully in discussions that bridge the gaps between diverse perspectives. |
Session 1- Introducing the Abrahamic ReligionsExplore the shared heritage of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, delving into commonalities and divergences. Understand the interconnectedness of the Abrahamic religions from both non-Muslim and Islamic viewpoints, unraveling key distinctions that shape their beliefs. |
Session 2- Introducing the Hebrew Bible (Part I)... |
Session 3 - Introducing the Hebrew Bible (Part II) |
Session 4- The Narrative of the Hebrew Bible (Part I) |
Session 5. The Narrative of the Hebrew Bible (Part 2) |
Session 6. The Oral Torah and the Development of Rabbinic Judaism |
Session 7. Jewish Identity & ReligionEmphasize the value of respectful daʿwah, using shared prophets in dialogue. Address sensitive topics like taḥrīf, discuss strategies for handling disagreements, and provide real-world examples of effective daʿwah with Jewish individuals. |
Session 8. The Story and Figure of Moses |
Session 9. Judaism & Islam / Dialogue and Da’wah with Jewish References |
Session 10. Understanding Christianity |
Session 11. The Christian Bible: Old and New Testaments |
Session 12. The Doctrines of the Divinity of Jesus and the Trinity |
Session 13- The Methodology: How Can We Peek Behind the Gospels to learn about the Historical Je...Examine the New Testament text and Muslim views on taḥrīf. Explore textual variants, the impact on Muslim-Christian dialogue, and emphasize maintaining a balanced and respectful discourse. |
Session 14- Christology: The Divinity and the Messiahship of Jesus: The Jewish Context and its Im...Explore beliefs and practices, comparing views on Jesus and shared figures. Analyze ethical parallels and divergences between Christianity and Islam. Examine the concept of God, building on shared values for interfaith dialogue. |
Session 15- Displaying the Diversity of the New Testament Writings: salvation, eschatology and th...Utilize biblical narratives in dialogue, ensuring respectful discussion of sensitive topics like taḥrīf. Navigate theological differences effectively and learn from examples of successful daʿwah with Christian individuals. |
Session 16- The End Times in Judaism, Christianity, and IslamExplore the significance of eschatology in Abrahamic religions, highlighting shared and differing ideas about the end times. Examine the role of prophetic figures and the impact of eschatological beliefs on religious practice and dialogue. |
Final Q&AFinal Q&A |
The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:
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Understanding Judaism and Christianity An Islamic Perspective |