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Purification of the Heart: A Spiritual and Psychological Awakening-Sisters

Enrolment for this course is currently closed.

Embark on a life-changing journey with our online course on Purification of the Heart, designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of spiritual diseases.

Course Modules

Module 1. Introduction to Purifying the Heart: Embarking on a Journey of Spiritual and Psychological Well-being

Module 2. Harmonising Spiritual and Psychological Dimensions: Healing Heart Diseases through Balance

Module 3. Combating Miserliness and Envy: Unveiling Islamic Insights on Their Causes and Cures

Module 4. Healing Hatred and Rancour: Islamic Pathways to Forgiveness and Inner Peace

Module 5. Overcoming Treachery and Deceit: Cultivating Trustworthiness and Honesty in Islam

Module 6. Confronting Malice and Hypocrisy: Discovering Islamic Spiritual Remedies

Module 7. Escaping Ostentation and Arrogance: Fostering Sincerity and Humility with Islamic Wisdom

Module 8. Defeating Covetousness and Worldly Attachment: Achieving Contentment in Islam

Module 9. Liberating the Heart from Lust: Islamic Strategies for Managing Desires

Module 10. Taming Anger: Islamic Approaches to Emotional Mastery

Module 11. Battling Spiritual Laziness and Procrastination: Islamic Techniques for Motivation and Time Management

Module 12. Comprehensive Islamic Solutions: Tackling Modern Challenges and Afflictions of the Heart

Module 13. Psychology Meets Spirituality: The Islamic Perspective on Healing Emotional and Spiritual Diseases

Module 14. Integrating Islamic Teachings and Psychological Approaches: A Holistic Pathway to Well-being

Module 15. Mindfulness Techniques in Islamic Spirituality: Harnessing the Power of Reflection and Contemplation

Module 16. Q&A Session: Addressing Your Inquiries on the Journey to Spiritual and Psychological Well-being


Here is the course outline:

1. Welcome Aboard: Course Introduction

Embark on a transformative journey with our online course on Purification of the Heart. Gain an Islamic perspective on spiritual diseases and their remedies.

2. Session 1-Introduction to Purifying the Heart: Embarking on a Journey of Spiritual and Psychologi...

Explore the journey of spiritual and psychological well-being through the introduction to Purifying the Heart. Uncover methods for inner purification and personal growth.

3. Session 2-Harmonising Spiritual and Psychological Dimensions: Healing Heart Diseases through Balance

Harmonize spiritual and psychological dimensions in this session. Learn how to heal heart diseases through balance, promoting well-being and inner harmony.

4. Session 3-Combating Miserliness and Envy: Unveiling Islamic Insights on Their Causes and Cures

Discover Islamic pathways to forgiveness and inner peace. Heal hatred and rancor, cultivating a heart filled with compassion and tranquility in this session.

5. Session 4- Healing Hatred and Rancour: Islamic Pathways to Forgiveness and Inner Peace

Discover Islamic pathways to forgiveness and inner peace. Heal hatred and rancor, cultivating a heart filled with compassion and tranquility in this session.

6. Session 5- Overcoming Treachery and Deceit: Cultivating Trustworthiness and Honesty in Islam

Explore Islam's teachings on building trust and honesty. Learn how to navigate treacherous situations, fostering integrity in personal and communal interactions.

7. Session 6- Confronting Malice and Hypocrisy: Discovering Islamic Spiritual Remedies

"Exploring Islamic Spiritual Solutions for Dealing with Malice and Hypocrisy" investigates how Islamic teachings aid in overcoming negative traits, nurturing moral and spiritual development.


The Tazkiya Workshop, nurtures spiritual growth. Participants embark on a transformative journey, purifying the heart and soul through self-reflection and devotion, drawing closer to Allah.

9. Session 8- Escaping Ostentation and Arrogance: Fostering Sincerity and Humility with Islamic Wisdom

"Achieving Sincerity and Humility through Islamic Wisdom: Breaking Free from Ostentation and Arrogance" examines Islamic insights for cultivating genuine modesty and sincerity while overcoming vanity and haughtiness.

10. Session 9- Defeating Covetousness and Worldly Attachment: Achieving Contentment in Islam

"Attaining Contentment in Islam: Overcoming Greed and Material Attachment" explores Islamic teachings for finding satisfaction by transcending desires and materialistic attachments.

11. Session 10- Liberating the Heart from Lust: Islamic Strategies for Managing Desires

"Managing Desires in Islam: Strategies for Freeing the Heart from Lust" delves into Islamic approaches to controlling and redirecting human desires for spiritual growth.

12. Session 11- Taming Anger: Islamic Approaches to Emotional Mastery

"Emotional Mastery in Islam: Harnessing Anger through Islamic Techniques" explores how Islamic teachings offer methods to control and channel anger constructively.

13. Session 12- Battling Spiritual Laziness and Procrastination: Islamic Techniques for Motivation an...

"Islamic Strategies for Motivation and Time Management: Overcoming Spiritual Laziness and Procrastination" examines how Islamic principles guide efficient use of time and combat spiritual inertia.

14. Session 13- Comprehensive Islamic Solutions: Tackling Modern Challenges and Afflictions of the Heart

"Addressing Contemporary Heartfelt Challenges with Islamic Solutions" explores how Islamic teachings offer remedies for modern emotional and spiritual struggles.

15. Session 14- Psychology Meets Spirituality: The Islamic Perspective on Healing Emotional and Spiri...

"Islamic View on Healing Emotional and Spiritual Ailments: Bridging Psychology and Spirituality" delves into how Islamic insights intersect with psychological approaches for holistic well-being.

16. Session 15- Integrating Islamic Teachings and Psychological Approaches: A Holistic Pathway to Wel...

"Harmonizing Islamic Teachings and Psychology: A Wholesome Journey to Well-being" explores the synergy between Islamic guidance and psychological methods for comprehensive wellness.

17. Session 16- Mindfulness Techniques in Islamic Spirituality: Harnessing the Power of Reflection an...

"Reflective Mindfulness in Islamic Spirituality: Embracing Contemplation for Inner Enrichment" investigates how Islamic practices employ mindfulness and contemplation for spiritual growth.

18. Session 17- Q&A Session: Addressing Your Inquiries on the Journey to Spiritual and Psychological ...

"Inquiries on Spiritual and Psychological Well-being: Engaging in a Q&A Session" offers answers to queries about the journey towards holistic wellness.


The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:

Purification of The Heart- Dec 2023.
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