Purification of the Heart: A Spiritual and Psychological Awakening-Sisters
Embark on a life-changing journey with our online course on Purification of the Heart, designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of spiritual diseases.
Course Modules
Module 1. Introduction to Purifying the Heart: Embarking on a Journey of Spiritual and Psychological Well-being
Module 2. Harmonising Spiritual and Psychological Dimensions: Healing Heart Diseases through Balance
Module 3. Combating Miserliness and Envy: Unveiling Islamic Insights on Their Causes and Cures
Module 4. Healing Hatred and Rancour: Islamic Pathways to Forgiveness and Inner Peace
Module 5. Overcoming Treachery and Deceit: Cultivating Trustworthiness and Honesty in Islam
Module 6. Confronting Malice and Hypocrisy: Discovering Islamic Spiritual Remedies
Module 7. Escaping Ostentation and Arrogance: Fostering Sincerity and Humility with Islamic Wisdom
Module 8. Defeating Covetousness and Worldly Attachment: Achieving Contentment in Islam
Module 9. Liberating the Heart from Lust: Islamic Strategies for Managing Desires
Module 10. Taming Anger: Islamic Approaches to Emotional Mastery
Module 11. Battling Spiritual Laziness and Procrastination: Islamic Techniques for Motivation and Time Management
Module 12. Comprehensive Islamic Solutions: Tackling Modern Challenges and Afflictions of the Heart
Module 13. Psychology Meets Spirituality: The Islamic Perspective on Healing Emotional and Spiritual Diseases
Module 14. Integrating Islamic Teachings and Psychological Approaches: A Holistic Pathway to Well-being
Module 15. Mindfulness Techniques in Islamic Spirituality: Harnessing the Power of Reflection and Contemplation
Module 16. Q&A Session: Addressing Your Inquiries on the Journey to Spiritual and Psychological Well-being
Here is the course outline:
1. Welcome Aboard: Course IntroductionEmbark on a transformative journey with our online course on Purification of the Heart. Gain an Islamic perspective on spiritual diseases and their remedies. |
2. Session 1-Introduction to Purifying the Heart: Embarking on a Journey of Spiritual and Psychologi...Explore the journey of spiritual and psychological well-being through the introduction to Purifying the Heart. Uncover methods for inner purification and personal growth. |
3. Session 2-Harmonising Spiritual and Psychological Dimensions: Healing Heart Diseases through BalanceHarmonize spiritual and psychological dimensions in this session. Learn how to heal heart diseases through balance, promoting well-being and inner harmony. |
4. Session 3-Combating Miserliness and Envy: Unveiling Islamic Insights on Their Causes and CuresDiscover Islamic pathways to forgiveness and inner peace. Heal hatred and rancor, cultivating a heart filled with compassion and tranquility in this session. |
5. Session 4- Healing Hatred and Rancour: Islamic Pathways to Forgiveness and Inner PeaceDiscover Islamic pathways to forgiveness and inner peace. Heal hatred and rancor, cultivating a heart filled with compassion and tranquility in this session. |
6. Session 5- Overcoming Treachery and Deceit: Cultivating Trustworthiness and Honesty in IslamExplore Islam's teachings on building trust and honesty. Learn how to navigate treacherous situations, fostering integrity in personal and communal interactions. |
7. Session 6- Confronting Malice and Hypocrisy: Discovering Islamic Spiritual Remedies"Exploring Islamic Spiritual Solutions for Dealing with Malice and Hypocrisy" investigates how Islamic teachings aid in overcoming negative traits, nurturing moral and spiritual development. |
8. Session 7- TAZKIYA WORKSHOPThe Tazkiya Workshop, nurtures spiritual growth. Participants embark on a transformative journey, purifying the heart and soul through self-reflection and devotion, drawing closer to Allah. |
9. Session 8- Escaping Ostentation and Arrogance: Fostering Sincerity and Humility with Islamic Wisdom"Achieving Sincerity and Humility through Islamic Wisdom: Breaking Free from Ostentation and Arrogance" examines Islamic insights for cultivating genuine modesty and sincerity while overcoming vanity and haughtiness. |
10. Session 9- Defeating Covetousness and Worldly Attachment: Achieving Contentment in Islam"Attaining Contentment in Islam: Overcoming Greed and Material Attachment" explores Islamic teachings for finding satisfaction by transcending desires and materialistic attachments. |
11. Session 10- Liberating the Heart from Lust: Islamic Strategies for Managing Desires"Managing Desires in Islam: Strategies for Freeing the Heart from Lust" delves into Islamic approaches to controlling and redirecting human desires for spiritual growth. |
12. Session 11- Taming Anger: Islamic Approaches to Emotional Mastery"Emotional Mastery in Islam: Harnessing Anger through Islamic Techniques" explores how Islamic teachings offer methods to control and channel anger constructively. |
13. Session 12- Battling Spiritual Laziness and Procrastination: Islamic Techniques for Motivation an..."Islamic Strategies for Motivation and Time Management: Overcoming Spiritual Laziness and Procrastination" examines how Islamic principles guide efficient use of time and combat spiritual inertia. |
14. Session 13- Comprehensive Islamic Solutions: Tackling Modern Challenges and Afflictions of the Heart"Addressing Contemporary Heartfelt Challenges with Islamic Solutions" explores how Islamic teachings offer remedies for modern emotional and spiritual struggles. |
15. Session 14- Psychology Meets Spirituality: The Islamic Perspective on Healing Emotional and Spiri..."Islamic View on Healing Emotional and Spiritual Ailments: Bridging Psychology and Spirituality" delves into how Islamic insights intersect with psychological approaches for holistic well-being. |
16. Session 15- Integrating Islamic Teachings and Psychological Approaches: A Holistic Pathway to Wel..."Harmonizing Islamic Teachings and Psychology: A Wholesome Journey to Well-being" explores the synergy between Islamic guidance and psychological methods for comprehensive wellness. |
17. Session 16- Mindfulness Techniques in Islamic Spirituality: Harnessing the Power of Reflection an..."Reflective Mindfulness in Islamic Spirituality: Embracing Contemplation for Inner Enrichment" investigates how Islamic practices employ mindfulness and contemplation for spiritual growth. |
18. Session 17- Q&A Session: Addressing Your Inquiries on the Journey to Spiritual and Psychological ..."Inquiries on Spiritual and Psychological Well-being: Engaging in a Q&A Session" offers answers to queries about the journey towards holistic wellness. |
The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed:
Purification of The Heart- Dec 2023. |